How to write the perfect Stable Diffusion prompt to get a great realistic AI roleplay character

Creating an effective method for crafting quality prompts stands as the initial challenge for every user of Stable Diffusion. This article compiles the procedures and strategies derived from various experiments and insights contributed by fellow users.

Privee AI Team

Privee AI Team

Oct 30, 2023

How to write the perfect Stable Diffusion prompt to get a great realistic AI roleplay character

Stable Diffusion is a cutting-edge deep-learning model technology that was released in 2022. It specializes in transforming text into highly detailed images, but it can also be utilized for tasks such as image completion, style transfer, and translations between images using text as a guide. By utilizing Stable Diffusion prompts, you can generate beautiful and unique realistic characters.

Creating an effective method for crafting quality prompts stands as the initial challenge for every user of Stable Diffusion. This article compiles the procedures and strategies derived from various experiments and insights contributed by fellow users. The objective is to document comprehensive knowledge about prompts, providing a centralized resource for a holistic understanding.

A successful prompt requires depth and specificity. A recommended approach involves choosing from a catalog of keyword categories and determining the relevance of any that align with your intentions.

On you can choose between 5 cutting-edge stable diffusion models. We are planning to add more in the Future.

Let's now dive into the various parts of a successful prompt:

  • Subject:

    • The subject is what you want to see in the image. A common mistake is not writing enough about the subjects.
    • Imagine a witch casting a spell. A novice might simply write "A witch," leaving much to the imagination. But to truly bring her to life, consider: How does she appear? What attire adorns her? Describe the magic she wields. Is she stationary, in motion, or suspended in mid-air? Envision the backdrop. Remember, Stable Diffusion can't decipher our thoughts; we must articulate our desires precisely.
  • Clothing:

    • The clothing helps to define your character even better; follow your intuition and do some tests to find the perfect match with your taste.
  • Supplementary Details:

    • The clothing helps to define your character even better; follow your intuition and do some tests to find the perfect match with your taste.

Negative Prompts

Leveraging negative prompts is a powerful method to guide the image generation process. Instead of specifying what you want, you articulate what you wish to avoid. Negative prompts extend beyond objects to encompass styles and undesired attributes such as "ugly" or "deformed." Incorporating negative prompts is imperative for achieving optimal results. The absence of these prompts could result in images of lower quality compared to v1 models. While optional for v1 models, I consistently utilize negative prompts as they either offer assistance or, at the very least, do no harm. Here's a universal negative prompt that you can explore further to comprehend its functioning:

  • Ugly, tiling, poorly drawn hands, poorly drawn feet, poorly drawn face, out of frame, extra limbs, disfigured, deformed, body out of frame, bad anatomy, watermark, signature, cut off, low contrast, underexposed, overexposed, bad art, beginner, amateur, distorted face, blurry, draft, grainy


Imagining and dreaming up cool stuff is a big deal when you're trying to make the perfect picture. Fantasy lets you think outside the box and come up with ideas that are super cool and out of the ordinary. It's like a playground for your creativity, where you can make things that are way more interesting and special. Testing is like your sidekick in the quest for the perfect picture. It's like trying out different ideas to see what works best and what doesn't. Testing helps you figure out the good and not-so-good parts of your ideas, making your picture even better. It's like a practice round that shows you where you're awesome and where you need a bit of work. Going through tests is like climbing stairs—each one gets you closer to making the most awesome picture ever.

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